What is a clothing management system?
We sell work clothing and PPE and can advise you about their design and management. Our clothing management system is a user-friendly online platform containing all information about your work clothing digitally and centrally. In this information article we tell you more about it.
Clothing management system
Our clothing management system takes care of the complete order process for personal clothing, PPE and accessories. A user-friendly online platform contains all information about your work clothing. The platform provides an overview and ensures that your employees work comfortably and safely. Users can make individual choices within a set product package and order their personal clothing with a personal budget directly.
Users order the clothing they need online, within the set budget. All information is saved, from individual (deviating) sizes to an obligation to return used clothing. Users are free to order at any time and choose the preferred delivery address.
At least one manager must be entered in the system, but it is possible to add several managers (even at different levels). Managers allocate specific clothing items and budgets to groups or individual users. Times when approval is needed can be determined, and reports reviewed. The system retains the history of all clothing users and what clothing they have. The managers maintain an overview of the order status and allocated budget.
Using the clothing management system, the managers of our teams ensured that everyone can quickly and easily order the clothing they need for their work. Periodically, they evaluate the kinds and quantities of clothing, and we make sure to keep the stocks supplied.
Raimond Janssen, account manager at Houweling Group
Safe and healthy work
The clothing management system also manages the users’ personal protection equipment and checks the expiry dates. If PPE needs replacing or must be approved, the user in question and the manager automatically receive a message. The system also contributes to making employees aware and ensuring safe and healthy working conditions.
Our clothing management system offers multiple benefits, including:
- production in your house style in 7 languages
- budget as money, points or validation
- personal products like prescription safety glasses
- extensive reports
- ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certification
- Link to your ERP system
We would be happy to give you a demonstration of our clothing management system (no obligations): click here to make an appointment.